Children of Star
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Children of Star

A Warrior Cats Based Roleplay with original backstories and Clans

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Healing System

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1Healing System Empty Healing System Wed May 22, 2024 9:48 am



Healing applies to HP lost in a battle that used claws. Spars and play-fights do not need to use the Healing System.

Natural Healing
+50% of max HP if Character ended the fight with 0 HP. Effecive immediately.
+2 HP/irl day if Character ended the fight with more than 50% of max HP.
+5 HP/irl day if Character ended the fight with less than 50% of max HP.
+10 HP/irl if Character posses the Super Healthy skill.

Medicine Healing
Usable only by Characters with the "Medicine" skill.

Herb Remedies
Herb List:

Certain wounds require a mixture of herbs. Refer to the following list to see which herbs are required for different wounds. These are only required to be used if the injuries/illness are a result of a plot, Clanwide, Sitewide, or Official Battle, unless stated otherwise.
Minor Scratches: - 2 Goldenrod/Horsetail/Comfrey/Tormentil, - 2 Cobwebs
Major Wounds: - 5 Sorrel, - 5 Goldenrod/Comfrey/Tormentil, - 5 Cobwebs
Burns: - 5 Burdock
Snake Bites: - 3 Tormentil/Sticklewort/Snakeroot
Sprains: - 3 Tansy, - 2 Elder, - 2 Cobwebs
Breaks: - 5 Broom/Comfrey, - 3 Bindweed/Rush, - 5 Cobwebs
Joints: - 3 Marigold(inflammation) OR - 3 Fennel(hip) OR - 3 Daisy/Heather, - 3 Ragwort, - 3 Juniper
Infection: - 4 Witch Hazel/Wild Garlic/Marigold/Beech/Oak Leaves/Stinging Nettle
Internal Infection: - 5 Sweet Sadge OR Labrador Tea(Chest)
Greencough: - 5 Catmint OR - 2 Coltsfoot, - 5 Chickweed, - 2 Wild Cherry
Fever/Cough: - 4 Coltsfoot/Feverfew/Labrador Tea
Bellyache/Vomit: - 4 Juniper/Willow/Watermint/Sticklewort/Mallow OR Burdock(indigestion)
Poison: - 5 Yarrow

Kitting: - 5 Chervil/Saffron/Raspberry, - 2 Borage
Each official litter born into a Clan requires deduction from the Clan's herb supply.

Journeys: - 1 Chamomile, - 1 Burnet, - 1 Daisy, - 1 Sorrel
Regardless of what kind of journey it is, all Characters leaving their respective Clan territory must consume one serving of traveling herbs.

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