Healing applies to HP lost in a battle that used claws. Spars and play-fights do not need to use the Healing System.
Natural Healing
+50% of max HP if Character ended the fight with 0 HP. Effecive immediately.
+2 HP/irl day if Character ended the fight with more than 50% of max HP.
+5 HP/irl day if Character ended the fight with less than 50% of max HP.
+10 HP/irl if Character posses the Super Healthy skill.
Medicine Healing
Usable only by Characters with the "Medicine" skill.
Herb Remedies
Certain wounds require a mixture of herbs. Refer to the following list to see which herbs are required for different wounds. These are only required to be used if the injuries/illness are a result of a plot, Clanwide, Sitewide, or Official Battle, unless stated otherwise.
Minor Scratches: - 2 Goldenrod/Horsetail/Comfrey/Tormentil, - 2 Cobwebs
Major Wounds: - 5 Sorrel, - 5 Goldenrod/Comfrey/Tormentil, - 5 Cobwebs
Burns: - 5 Burdock
Snake Bites: - 3 Tormentil/Sticklewort/Snakeroot
Sprains: - 3 Tansy, - 2 Elder, - 2 Cobwebs
Breaks: - 5 Broom/Comfrey, - 3 Bindweed/Rush, - 5 Cobwebs
Joints: - 3 Marigold(inflammation) OR - 3 Fennel(hip) OR - 3 Daisy/Heather, - 3 Ragwort, - 3 Juniper
Infection: - 4 Witch Hazel/Wild Garlic/Marigold/Beech/Oak Leaves/Stinging Nettle
Internal Infection: - 5 Sweet Sadge OR Labrador Tea(Chest)
Greencough: - 5 Catmint OR - 2 Coltsfoot, - 5 Chickweed, - 2 Wild Cherry
Fever/Cough: - 4 Coltsfoot/Feverfew/Labrador Tea
Bellyache/Vomit: - 4 Juniper/Willow/Watermint/Sticklewort/Mallow OR Burdock(indigestion)
Poison: - 5 Yarrow
Kitting: - 5 Chervil/Saffron/Raspberry, - 2 Borage
Each official litter born into a Clan requires deduction from the Clan's herb supply.
Journeys: - 1 Chamomile, - 1 Burnet, - 1 Daisy, - 1 Sorrel
Regardless of what kind of journey it is, all Characters leaving their respective Clan territory must consume one serving of traveling herbs.
Healing applies to HP lost in a battle that used claws. Spars and play-fights do not need to use the Healing System.
Natural Healing
+50% of max HP if Character ended the fight with 0 HP. Effecive immediately.
+2 HP/irl day if Character ended the fight with more than 50% of max HP.
+5 HP/irl day if Character ended the fight with less than 50% of max HP.
+10 HP/irl if Character posses the Super Healthy skill.
Medicine Healing
Usable only by Characters with the "Medicine" skill.
Herb Remedies
- Herb List:
- Alder- Tall tree that grows in boggy, wetland areas. Leaves are simple and serrated (toothed). The bark is dark and often covered in moss. Twigs are spotted and sticky to touch. The bark can be eaten or licked to cure a toothache.
Adder’s Tongue- Found buried in soil, has purple-blotched leaves. Induces vomiting if eaten. Poultice can be applied to swellings and ulcers to treat them.
Beech- Large tree usually with a thick trunk that grows in sandy or chalky soil. Wood is rather smooth and usually somewhat gray in color. Iconic oval leaves with defined straight lines. Leaves are often used to carry medicine supplies. Also can be used as a bowl of sorts. Oil from the nuts can be applied directly to wounds to fight and prevent infection.
Bindweed- A vine-like plant with white, trumpet-like flowers and distinctive arrow-shaped green leaves. Grows almost anywhere like ivy. Vines can be used to tie things, most importantly sticks to broken legs to set the break.
Blackberry- Also called bramble. Very common and grows in most forests. A stout bush characteristically very prickly. Leaves grow in threes and are olive-green with reddish-brown tinged edges. Younger leaves are completely brown-red. Chewing the leaves into a poultice can be applied to bee stings to bring down the pain and swelling.
Bloodroot- Grows in rich open forests. Has a wax-like white flower, a single leaf with a pale underside. The roots are orange-red and smell bitter. Very poisonous.
Borage- Commonly found in gardens and old dwellings. The whole plant is rough with white and prickly hairs. Flowers are blue or purple and star-shaped. Leaves are eaten to stimulate milk in queens. Can also bring down fevers.
Broom- Hardy meadow shrubs with small leaves and tiny yellow flowers that grow upwards in a tall cone. Is used to make poultices for broken bones.
Burdock- Stout plant with large wavy leaves and purple flowers inclosed in a burr. Found in damp areas. Has a very sharp smell and dark leaves. Leaves can be eaten to treat indigestion. A poultice of chewed root is very important in the treatment of rat bites.
Burnet- Small bush that grows in dry meadows. Has multiple oval-shaped leaves on multiple single stalks. In Leaf-Fall and late Green-Leaf, large clusters of small flower buds grow on the top of the plant. It is eaten as a travelling herb to keep a cat’s strength up. Little is known about it.
Catchweed- A very small weed with fuzzy green orbs that grow tiny white flowers on long stems. Found where ever there is a lot of long grass and low vegetation. Burrs are very rarely used to keep poultices in place without irritating the wound or skin.
Catmint- Also known as catnip. Is very rare to find in the wild and can normally only be found in two-leg gardens. Is a very delicious-smelling plant that is low to the ground and possesses small, bumpy, slightly fuzzy leaves. Are eaten to treat Greencough and Whitecough. Collect in the day so the morning dew will be gone and it won’t rot in storage.
Celandine- An uncommon yellow flower with four petals and long pollen-stems. Has a prickly, fuzzy stem. Found in sunny areas of forests or meadows. Nectar is trickled into damaged eyes.
Chamomile- A small, daisy-like white flower with a large and bulbous yellow center. Has a heavy and sweet smell. Only found in two-leg gardens. Blossoms and petals are eaten to strengthen and calm the heart and mind. Also given for strength when traveling.
Chervil- A sweet-smelling plant that is large and very leafy. Has fern-like leaves and small white flowers. Roots are dark brown, gnarled and knoby. Grows in forests among rocky areas. Leaves are chewed and spit out for the juice on infected wounds. They can also be eaten to sooth a bellyache. They also assist in nausea that sometimes occurs when kitting.
Chickweed- A tall, vibrantly green plant with a hard stem and broad, almond-shaped leaves. Sometimes has tiny, five-petaled flowers. Found in forest areas among rocks. Eaten to treat greencough, but is not as strong as catmint.
Cob Nuts- Smooth, brown nut that is a member of the hazelnut family. Found under hazel nut trees. Chewed and made into ointments that would otherwise be too soupy to apply. Also used to attract prey.
Cobwebs- Webs from a spider, normally old or abandoned. Can be best found in dark and secluded areas. Used like a cloth on open wounds to stop bleeding. Applied to recovering wounds to keep medicine in place or protect the wound.
Coltsfoot- Found the most around wet places. Has iconic hoof-shaped green leaves and fluffy yellow flowers that look similar to dandelions. Leaves can be eaten to cure a cough. A good thing to give to kits that are having trouble breathing or have kitcough.
Comfrey- Small, short plant with very large and broad leaves and very tiny, purple, bell-shaped flowers. Found in damp and grassy areas, mostly where there are a lot of dew-filled mornings. Roots are chewed into a poultice. Treats broken bones, soothes open wounds, applied to wrenched or twisted claws. Leaves ease stiffness in shoulders and legs if lined in a nest.
Coneflower- Rich purple flower whose petals are seated in a high cone. Is very sweet smelling and tasting. Grows in northern rugged areas near short pine trees. Roots and leaves eaten to give strength and disease resistance.
Daisy- Small plant with a circular, iconic white flower with many petals and a yellow center. Found nearly everywhere. Dark oval leaves are chewed into a paste to apply to aching joints. Can also be eaten to prevent joint pain when traveling.
Dandelion- A memorable yellow flower with long, weak, hollow stems. A half moon after the weed blooms, the yellow flower turns into a white sphere of minuscule smaller flowers that blow away in the wind. Is extremely, annoyingly common. Liquid within the hollow stems is applied to beestings to help them get better. Leaves can also be eaten to treat pain but taste awful.
Deadly Nightshade- An obviously deadly poisonous plant. It is found under the shade of trees, on wooded hills, and will grow very luxuriantly, forming bushy plants that are several feet high when not exposed to a lot of sun. Leaves are dull, darkish green in color and of unequal size. The lower leaves are solitary. They are all oval in shape and begin off of short petioles (leaf stems). Soft, downy hairs may occur on young stems and leaves. The veins of the leaves are prominent on the underside. The leaves both smell and taste awful and bitter. In Leaf-Fall, around the base of the petioles will grow shining black berries about the size of a small cherry. Despite their sickeningly sweet taste, these berries are the most fatal part of the plant.
Deathberries (Yew)- A quite large and poisonous plant. Found in most forests. Identifiable by it’s red and stout, pealing trunk and pine-like leaves. It’s red, pitted berries grow on the stems of the needled leaves and are very poisonous to eat. Are sometimes used to end a suffering or old cat’s life, but only if they ask for them.
Dock- A common, large leafed plant with a tangy, almost sour, smell and taste. Doesn’t grow on mountain-sides but is easy to find in leafy, relatively flat forests.Leaves can be applied in a poultice to reduce swelling, help skin issues, and heal broken or injured pads. Stings quite badly when applied. If placed in nests, can sooth the pains of recent wounds.
Elder- A short-trunked, few-branched tree with corky, furrowed bark. It has feather-like leaves with toothed leaflets that smell horrible when touched. It grows in woodlands that are not too cold and have weak winters. It is most commonly found near rabbit holes and badger sets. Can be used to help treat sprains. However, never eat - they cause a horrible unknown sickness. (Cats wouldn't know, but the leaves and most of the other parts of the plant contain cyanide.)
Fennel- Has very tiny yellow flower clumps on thin stalks. Very thin and spiky leaves. Grows wild in most temperate areas. Easily fond around streams and on the coast. Juice can be consumed for treatment of chronic coughs (Whitecough mostly) and ease the pain of Blackcough. Eating fennel suppresses hunger. Also helps pain in hips.
Feverfew- Composite plant that grows nearly everywhere, but most commonly near water. Has numerous, small, daisy-like heads of yellow flowers with outer white rays. Leaves are broad and downy. Most commonly eaten to sooth a fever. Also eaten to treat coughs, colds, wheezing, and difficult breathing. Can help with colic. Is very bitter.
Foxglove- A flower that is long and bellshaped. Is pink and hollow. Grows in temperate regions. Tiny black seeds can cause paralysis and heart failure, but in small quantities can treat heart problems.
Goldenrod- Grows on moors. Is a tall plant with clumps of bright, tiny yellow flowers and narrow, pointy leaves. Chewed into a poultice and applied to wounds. Considered the best herb for speeding up the healing of wounds and treating them in general. However is rarely found in forests or mountainsides.
Heather- A common moor plant known for its purple or grayish-purple, tiny clumps of sweet flowers on stalks. Is sometimes used in mixtures to make them easier to eat with their sweetness.
Holly- Plant with shiny, dark green, spiky-edged leaves and plump red berries. Found almost anywhere woody. Berries are very poisonous.
Honey- Golden and sticky liquid made by bees and found in their hives. Taken with bitter herbs to get them down easier. Mixed with some poultices to make them hold to wounds easier. Can be given to kits without someone to suckle from as a nutrient substitute. Is very good for smoke-damaged throats. Also gives energy.
Horsetail- Found in temperate northern regions. Fernlike in appearance with fronds that resemble pine fronds with its needle-like leaves. A decoction applied directly to a wound will help stop the bleeding and promotes a faster healing. Also can reduce eye swelling.
Ivy- Found in vines growing on trees, cliffs, and rocks. Has green leaves with white edges and a half-star shape. Vines still growing on a wall or tree-trunk be used to store herbs.
Juniper Berries- Dark-green bush that grows in areas that aren’t wet. Has very spiky leaves and clumps of purple or blue berries. Berries are eaten to sooth bellyaches. Can be used to give strength and calm cats. Tastes sweet.
Knotgrass- A very common weed found relatively anywhere. The stems can grow up to six feet in length, with leaves that alternate and are stalkless. Leaves are narrow and oval. Roots are very strong and branching. A tonic can be made out of knotgrass to treat diarrhea. It can be directly administered to kill worms and fleas.
Labrador Tea- Found in taiga and mountainous biomes. It is a shrub that grows to a height of four to five feet with irregular and wooly branches. Leaves are alternate and elliptical or oblong. The upperside of the leaves are smooth and the underside is woolly, edges are rolled back. Bees are greatly attracted to the large, white, five-petaled flower clusters. It can be made into a poultice and rubbed on the chest and neck to treat coughs and chest infections. Tastes and smells spicy, slightly like mint.
Lamb’s Ear- A small, very soft, fuzzy whitish-green plant. Fuzzy leaves resemble sheep ears. Very common on mountains. Eaten to give strength.
Lavender- Found in two-leg gardens and near thunderpaths. A grassy bush with tall clumps of small purple flowers. Has a sweet and calming scent. Cures fever and chills if placed in a cat’s nest and inhaled constantly. Also placed on the bodies of the dead to hide the scent of death, especially at burial.
Mallow- A short plant with fuzzy, three-pointed leaves that are somewhat bumpy. Sweet-smelling purple flowers with narrow, heart-shaped petals. Grows best near the seashore. Only harvest at sunhigh when they are dry for they rot easily. Eaten to sooth bellyaches.
Marigold- Found in wet meadows and along streams. Showy dark-green plant with a very large buttercup, usually red or yellow. Infusion of flowers prevent seizures. Poultice can be applied to wounds to prevent and fight infection. Can also be used for inflamed joints.
Mint- Low-growing plant with downy and serrated leaves. Leaves can be anywhere from green to purple to yellow but keep their white fuzz. Very sharp, minty smell and taste. Found anywhere that is wooded and rugged. Rubbed on a dead body to hide the scent of death. Also can be eaten with food or rubbed on a queen’s belly when her kits are having trouble suckling.
Mouse Bile- Stomach bile taken from a dead mouse. Used to remove ticks and fleas from pelts.
Oak Leaves- Dry leaves are taken from the forest floor. Best found in Leaf-Fall. Poultice chewed and applied thickly on wounds to stop infection from spreading.
Oleander- A lesser known poisonous flower. All parts are toxic to most animals, including cats. It is a shrub that can grow up to twelve feet high with wide, white, red, or pink roselike blossoms. Leaves are thin and waxy. It thrives in hot or sunny places.
Parsley- Found in moist soils that have a lot of sun. Grows low to the ground. Leaves are broad and crinkly and have ragged edges. Has tiny clumps of five to eight white or yellow flowers on a branching stalk. Generally has little use in most mammals but can stop milk flow in some queens. Is poisonous to birds.
Poison Ivy- A very powerful irritant that causes horrible, itchy skin lesions and can cause fur loss. Widely distributed in dark parts of forests. Roots are reddish and branching. Leaves are rather large and three-parted. The central leaflet is the longest and the lateral ones are almost stalkless. When dry the leaves are papery and brittle, sometimes with black spots. Plant grows low to the ground. It can be ingested for a nervous system sedative (temporary paralysis), but causes irritation and delirium.
Poppy- Common field flower that is a rich scarlet color. Seeds are eaten in small quantities for relaxation and as a sleep aid. Too many too often can cause addiction.
Ragwort- Tall shrubs with yellow flowers. Leaves are tiny but numerous. Always tastes rotten. Found in cool areas that get a lot of rainfall. Applied in a poultice to treat aching joints and keep the joints’ strength up.
Ragweed- Commonly found in the mountains among mountain rocks. Is a ragged-leaved plant that looks similar to a fern. Eaten for strength and energy.
Raspberry- Looks very similar to a Blackberry (or Bramble) bush, but leaves are soft to the touch with sharp toothed edges. Has red berries that look exactly like blackberries. Leaves are given to queens to stop bleeding during kitting. Berries can be used to coax out prey.
Rosemary- Tall, needled bush with small, light-purple flowers. Found relatively anywhere that is dry. Put on a dead cat to hide their scent, especially at burial. It is seen as a bad omen to smell rosemary when there is none around.
Rush- Long, very very thin leaved plant with dark reddish-purple heads on its stalks. Grows in soils that don’t seem to grow anything else. Hard stalks are used to bind broken bones.
Snakeroot- Best treatment for poison, especially from snake bites. Is a short-growing plant with numerous, very tiny white flowers in clusters and pointy and narrow green leaves. Chewed and applied directly to snake bites.
Saffron- Grows in meadows and forest clearings only in Green-Leaf. Low plant with grass-like leaves and lily-shaped pink flowers. Parts of plant eaten before and/or after kitting to prevent or stop heavy bleeding respectively.
Sage- Generally grows about a foot high and has wiry stems. Leaves are in pairs up the stem and are oblong with rounded ends. They have prominent veins. Flowers grow only in late GreenLeaf and are in whorls, purplish and lipped. All parts have a strong herbal odor and have a warm, bitter taste. Most commonly found in forests near the coast. Drinking a tonic of water and crushed sage can soothe the throat. Fresh leaves can be rubbed on teeth to strengthen them in Elders.
Sorrel- Tall plant with arrow-shaped leaves. Tiny round red flowers on a stalk. Roots and leaves used to help with heavy bleeding. Grows pretty much anywhere. Is also used to give appetite.
Stick- A thin twig usually found on the ground. Given to cats in pain to bite on to keep them from crying out too much. Also used in binding broken bones.
Sticklewort- A woody root with black stem, some spikes, and small flowers and leaflets. Found in dry thickets in fields. When mixed in a tonic of water and honey, can be ingested to fix the worst stomachaches and, surprisingly, snake bites (if taken immediately).
Stinging Nettle- A strange-looking bushy plant with yellow-green, long, and toothed leaves. Is most distinguished from its strange strings of very tiny bulbs. Has tall, hard, brown or green stems. Leaves and steps can be covered in hairs that are either soft or spiky. Found all over forests, and most common in moist fields. Seeds are eaten by a cat to induce vomiting. Seeds and leaves can also be chewed and applied to swelling areas. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Stems also help with infection.
Sweet Sadge- Thick, reed-like stem with long corn-like buds at the top. Grows only in Leaf-Bare. Most common near rivers or streams. Sap is swallowed to ease internal infections.
Tansy- Vertical and leafy stem, very tall. In leaf-Fall, yellow flowers grow described as round and flat ‘buttons’. Can generally grow anywhere in a wood. Poultice applied to sprains and swelling.
Tormentil- A small yellow flower with tiny stems and a strong aromatic smell. Found in most cool or even cold areas. Poultices can be applied to all wounds and even snake bites.
Thyme- Commonly found in twoleg gardens, old dwellings, or at the base of rotted trees. Has very small, narrow and elliptical, dark leaves. Small, pink stemmed buds grow out of the topmost leaves. Thyme is generally combined with other herbs. Alone can be eaten to treat headaches and toothaches.
Valerian- Stout plant with thin leaves and fluffy purple flowers on a thin stalk. Found on mountains in cool but not cold areas with open skies. Roots are eaten to calm nerves, dull pain, and promote sleep. Seen as a stronger poppy seed (read tranquilizer) because body actually becomes numb and weak from consumption. Leaf juice can be rubbed on claws.
Water Hemlock- Grows in wet and marshy areas and occasionally partly submerged in water. Has thin, jagged-edged leaves. Tiny green or white flowers grow in umbrella-shaped clusters. Causes pain, writhing, and foaming at the mouth (seizures).
Watermint- A green and leafy plant with small purple flowers that grow in a sphere. Eaten to ease a bellyache. Found in streams or very damp soil.
Wild Cherry- A large tree that produces white, pink, and (very rarely) red blossoms. Also referred to as sakura. Bark is very dark and reddish, nearly black. The cherries are about the size of a pea and are glossy and sweet. A tonic made of bark can be used as a sedative and is a surprising treatment to Greencough.
Wild Garlic- Strong smelling, grass-like plant with white, round roots. Found at forest entrances. Rolling in it can disguise scent. Can be chewed after vomiting to get rid of bad breath. Can be applied to bites or scratches to prevent infection, especially those from rats.
Willow- Tall and thin tree with long, curtain-like strands of multiple narrow leaves and flowers, usually brown, light green, or white. Bark can be chewed to ease pain or bit on when in pain like a stick. Willow leaves can be eaten to stop vomiting.
Wintergreen- Very similar in appearance to holly. Has small, dark green leaves and tiny red berries. Was thought to treat wounds and poisons but should be avoided because of looking so similar to holly.
Witch Hazel- Found in the Northern East of most continents. Looks similar to an apple tree but much smaller. Has smooth gray bark, oval leaves with prominent veins and slightly wrinkled. The leaves fall off in Leaf Fall but small yellow flowers appear at that time. A poultice heavy in water with a slight oil content from the plant can be applied to wounded eyes to help treat them. A poultice made of both crushed seeds and leaves can be applied to the most painful of swellings to sooth them.
Yarrow- Grows pretty much everywhere. Stem is hard and long. Small white flowers grow in clumps. Eating any part of the plant fresh induces vomiting. Dry yarrow eaten in small quantities has been known to open bloodflow (when bitten by snake or in shock) and to help with colds.
Certain wounds require a mixture of herbs. Refer to the following list to see which herbs are required for different wounds. These are only required to be used if the injuries/illness are a result of a plot, Clanwide, Sitewide, or Official Battle, unless stated otherwise.
Minor Scratches: - 2 Goldenrod/Horsetail/Comfrey/Tormentil, - 2 Cobwebs
Major Wounds: - 5 Sorrel, - 5 Goldenrod/Comfrey/Tormentil, - 5 Cobwebs
Burns: - 5 Burdock
Snake Bites: - 3 Tormentil/Sticklewort/Snakeroot
Sprains: - 3 Tansy, - 2 Elder, - 2 Cobwebs
Breaks: - 5 Broom/Comfrey, - 3 Bindweed/Rush, - 5 Cobwebs
Joints: - 3 Marigold(inflammation) OR - 3 Fennel(hip) OR - 3 Daisy/Heather, - 3 Ragwort, - 3 Juniper
Infection: - 4 Witch Hazel/Wild Garlic/Marigold/Beech/Oak Leaves/Stinging Nettle
Internal Infection: - 5 Sweet Sadge OR Labrador Tea(Chest)
Greencough: - 5 Catmint OR - 2 Coltsfoot, - 5 Chickweed, - 2 Wild Cherry
Fever/Cough: - 4 Coltsfoot/Feverfew/Labrador Tea
Bellyache/Vomit: - 4 Juniper/Willow/Watermint/Sticklewort/Mallow OR Burdock(indigestion)
Poison: - 5 Yarrow
Kitting: - 5 Chervil/Saffron/Raspberry, - 2 Borage
Each official litter born into a Clan requires deduction from the Clan's herb supply.
Journeys: - 1 Chamomile, - 1 Burnet, - 1 Daisy, - 1 Sorrel
Regardless of what kind of journey it is, all Characters leaving their respective Clan territory must consume one serving of traveling herbs.